COMANY INC. is a manufacturer creating a comfortable and functional space through "partition."

Product Information

Colorful incombustible partition


Create a unique space with our partition

C&W / C&W50 is composed of a white frame and an abundant variety of colorful panel.

Selections of colorful panel

C&W / C&W50
C&W / C&W50
C&W / C&W50
C&W / C&W50
C&W / C&W50

A rich variety of combinations of panel and glass is available. Twenty-eight colors are available for the panels.


29 color selections for panel

You can choose from twenty-nine colors.


C&W50 is a simple design that eliminates the joint.

  • C&W has 50mm square pole.

  • C&W has 42mm square pole.

C&W50 with black frame is an optional selection.

Black frame

Corresponding to layout change is possible.

C&W / C&W50 adopting dividable pole structures make an easy exchange of its parts and quick layout change possible.

Layout change

Exchange of panel

Added features

