COMANY INC. is a manufacturer creating a comfortable and functional space through "partition."

Corporate Information

COMANY's efforts

Earthquake-proof efforts

The large-scale earthquake of seismic intensity of 7 classes occurs frequently in Japan. The prediction released by the Government of Japan that the probability of the huge earthquake occurring is 70% within next 30 years; the awareness of seismic countermeasure is increasing.

After seeing the situation of disaster zone and hearing the heartfelt voice of customers, we take our responsibility as a leading partition manufacturer seriously; we work on reinforcement of earthquake-resistance of partitions, and commercialized the "Earthquake-resistant partition Synchron".

Features of Synchron

Focusing on the relationship between the ceiling and partition

Synchron, in addition to the conventional earthquake resistance standards, has sought to withstand the unexpected movement of the ceiling surface and the partition itself caused by a large earthquake.


Check the effectiveness of joint research with Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

We have developed a highly efficient system by repeating the experiment with seismic waves of the earthquake via the joint research with Kanazawa Institute of Technology. (The research results have been released in the fiscal year 2016 the convention of Architectural Institute of Japan.)


It is a practical system that can be applied to the current partition.

Synchron with high earthquake resistance is a system that takes practical utility into considerations. There is no special use restriction for the system; you can use it in the current partitions as usual.


Synchron system is the equipped in on our core products.

Synchron system is our high quakeproof engineering. Our main products have equipped with the system. The Synchron unequipped partitions with standard earthquake resistance are also available.
