Machida Municipal Yakushi Middle School Creating a bright and healthy atmosphere with a sturdy toilet CB-S Tokai University Attached Elementary School and Kindergarten Creating a school where children can enjoy the school life in peace SW-Synchron Basic series of Clean Booth (AR, ACR, AF, SR, SF, WR) West Uozu City Junior High School Utilize moving partitions to create space according to learning style DP60S / 80 DRIVING PANEL CB-K Kaiyo Academy New construction of Kaiyo Academy Basic series of Clean Booth (AR, ACR, AF, SR, SF, WR) Shizuoka Prefectural High School of Ohiradai in Hamamatsu New construction of Shizuoka Prefectural High School of Ohiradai in Hamamatsu DP50 DRIVING PANEL Basic series of Clean Booth (AR, ACR, AF, SR, SF, WR) A kindergarten in Tokyo New construction work of a kindergarten CB-A