COMANY INC. is a manufacturer creating a comfortable and functional space through "partition."


COMANY’s declaration in support of SDGs


Comany's role in realizing the SDGs



 Now that the world is about to hit a tipping point, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are adopted by consensus of 193 United Nations Member States in September 2015. I am convinced that this is a historic step for all states, institutions, companies, and citizens to join hands for creating a world of peace and freedom without poverty.

 Bearing in mind that it is an essential task for companies to participate actively in the SDGs to realize a sustainable world, we announced "COMANY's Declaration in support of SDGs" on April 2, 2018. We will align the 17 sustainable development goals with our management philosophy, policies, and strategies, and bring them into practices through concrete operations.

 Since our founding, we have been conducting "management based on the bonds of human minds." Believing that companies should exist to contribute to the well-being of the world, we operate our business in pursuing the happiness of all stakeholders involved.

 Our goals are to integrate SDGs in our concrete policies and measures to create social impact through our products and services and to implement our initiatives to make everyone involved lead a happier and more productive life. As a manufacturer that produces new value in space through partitions, we have adopted the "COMANY SDGs (Mobius) model" and set "technological innovation," the Goal 9 of the SDGs, as the leverage of the model. We will work to make the model function effectively to increase our corporate value.


Representative Director, President and CEO

Mikio Tsukamoto


※ Kenta Tsukamoto assumed the position of President and CEO as of June 26, 2019
